Climate change is a rising issue that have concerned many, leading exerts and organisations to act, create campaigns and put pressure on companies that may not be prioritising a cleaner environment. The problem of climate change is not only related to us – human beings and the preservation of the planet, but also to the economy. If it’s money that makes the world go round, the severe climate issues may result in a lack of money, hindering the whole process.
Firstly, what is climate change? Basically, it is the strange behaviour of the weather, being affected in a long-term process and resulting from the effects of global warming. Because of climate change, we cannot depend and assure ourselves that winter will be cold and wet and summer will be hot and dry. And this is how climate change ties with the economy.
Climate Commission states that the environment is ‘the life support of our economy’ and human beings depends on ‘clean air, water and a stable climate.’ Because of the unpredicted weather, we cannot monitor or control how long lands will stay dry for or how much water we will get from rain. This unpredictability affects us and the economy in several ways, such as people whose business depends on the weather. Climate unpredictability also affects animals, which may not find a sufficient amount of food and water, endangering them and their species. Furthermore, high temperatures influence humans too, ‘especially the very young, the elderly and people that work outside.’
Taking a stance against climate change would benefit us all, not only to help in saving our planet and a number of animals, but it will also help in unemployment rates. Having more renewable energy sources and mechanisms would generate a bigger demand and require a bigger workforce. Looking after the natural resources in homes does not only help the environment but also saves money from bills.